Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Branches of Government

Take a tour of the government with Ben Franklin! Explore the link below.


Why do you think the system of checks and balances is important? Explain.


  1. I think that checks and balances are important so that the President can make sure the Legislative and Judicial Branches don't get out of hand.

  2. I think checks and balances are important because without a President one branch would get too powerful.

  3. I think that the checks and balances are important because without the President, one branch would get too powerful.

  4. I think that checks and balances are important so that the branches dont get out of control other wise it would be crazy!!!!

  5. I think checks and balances are important so the branches make sure laws follow consituion.

  6. Checks and balances are important because they keep an equal amount of power between the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial branches of government.

  7. I think,they help the United Sates stay united have no problems. The Legislative helps because it makes the laws and establish taxes. The Executive make laws get carried out and declare war. The Judicial helps diceds if laws follow the contitotion and interps decides if the laws should be carried out.

  8. Checks and balances are important because if we did not have them we wouldn't have laws and equal power.

  9. I think the United States stay united because of the Branches of Goverment. It because how they check on each other and our country runs.

  10. Checks and balances are important because if we didn't have them we would not have equal power.

  11. I think that checks and balances is inportant because no one has more priviledges than each other.

  12. To make the balance of the United States stay at the same balance for everybody.To be at the same rate to stand out and to make everybody to stay at the same amount of freedom.

  13. I think the checks and balance is important because were the United states can be run and have equal power.Without the checks and balance the United states would not be running well.

  14. I think checks & balances are impotant because if one of the branches has more power then the other one its not going to be fair.

  15. I think that the system of checks and balances are important because,it keeps government together,and to keep the delict balance of the United States together.

  16. Checks and balances is important so the branches of goverment don't get too much power and get out of control. Also, they check on each other so the branches are balanced.

  17. I think checks and balances are important because they balance out the power in the government. =D

  18. Checks & balances are important because if we didn't someone will have all the power.

  19. I think checks and balances balance the power of the government and united states.

  20. I think that the system of checks and balances are important because it keeps the Government and United States all balanced,so no branch has more power.

  21. Checks and balances are important because they prevent any branch of goverment from getting to powerful.
